Michaelas lab notebook

week 1 (03.05.21021 - 09.05.2021)

  • naming of the project

    • Working title: EPICHAD (Epilepsy Child Adult)

    • Real title: Differences in EEG recordings between children and adults, living with epilepsy

    • Short discription: We want to look at the differences in EEG data in comparison between children and adults, that are living with epilepsy. Are there any general or significant disparities in the oscillation pattern during seizures and when they don’t have seizures?

    • Dataset: https://openneuro.org/datasets/ds003555/versions/1.0.1 There were problems with downloading this dataset –> solution: use google chrome and not firefox/safari etc.!

week 2 (10.05.2021 - 16.05.2021)

  • created GitHub repository “EPICHAD”

    • updated README.md file

    • updated project.md

    • updated labnotebook

    • updated data*.md

    • created a timeline on GitKraken

    • Preregistration on OSF

week 3 (17.05.2021 - 23.05.2021)

  • trying out commands on docker and conda

  • updating GitHub repository

week 4 (24.05.2021-30.05.2021)

  • updating GitHub repository

  • learning more about Juypter Notebook

week 5 (31.05.2021-06.06.2021)

  • learning about Python/Jupyter Notebook

  • updating GitHub repository

  • creating a calculator in Jupyter Notebook

week 6 (07.06.2021 - 13.06.2021)

  • updating calculator homework (adding square root function; handling error by dividion by 0; adding comments)

  • update timeline on GitKraken

  • update GitHub repository (problem automatic update of the website)

  • Data-Files

  • Preprocessing of EPICHAD Dataset

  • Problems: difficult preprocessing with bipolar channels, therefore we asked the authors for help.

  • Result: don’t use derivatives data, but the correct raw data.

week 7 (14.06.2021-20.06.2021)

  • update github repository (Calculator, data, …)

  • learning more about EEG data; data analysis; etc. (Videos on Youtube and MNE)

  • preprocessing of sub01 (problems with the ICA)

  • problems with the GitHub website

week 8 (21.06.2021-27.06.2021)

  • update github repository

  • Preprocessing in Jupyter Notebook (Errors -> Discussion with Jose)

  • Problems on GitHub (Actions were not succesfull)

  • learning about the basics of EEG

week 9 (28.06.2021-04.07.2021)

  • fixed problem of automatically updating the website (we needed to update the TOC file)

  • fixed errors in preprocessing of sub01 (ICA fitting and maping works now, set correct montage)

week 10 (05.07.2021-11.07.2021)

  • Jupyter Notebook: plotted ICA_Components for each subject; created fixed Epochs and created Topomaps for each subject and frequency band

  • Jupyter Notebook Homework: look at vmin/vmax for each class (Children, Adults) and plot each frequency band again

  • GitHub: updated all files again (data_acess; data; overview; results; …)

week 11 (12.07.2021-18.07.2021)

  • created table with all subjects and frequency bands in order to compare them

  • updated the OSF preregistration

  • updated GitHub files: results; data; overview; …

  • created overview of ICA components of all subjects

week 12 (19.07.2021-25.07.2021)

  • created for loop in order to analyze all the subjects in a row

  • updated OSF page (wiki, tags and Add-ons)

  • updated GitHub files: deleted all “preprint” mentions; add result/preprocessing figures

  • set up a poster

week 13 (26.07.2021-01.08.2021)

  • updated GitHub files:

  • worked on the poster

week 14 (02.08.2021-08.08.2021)

  • create figshare account

  • poster-update

week 15 (09.08.2021-15.08.2021)

  • poster - update

  • connect figshare with osf

  • create PowerPoint presentation for the talk (12.08.2021)

  • update website

  • Last changes to results; Readme file

  • Talk - Upload on GitHub