Data analysis¶
The data to analyze is from this dataset:
The Program that we will use is MNE-Python
We will first look at the 30 subjects in order to find differences between children and adults with epilepsy.
This part of the project only shows the different commands that we used in order to analyze the dataset. The next part displays the detailed code.
Step 1: Preprocessing in MNE
import modules
define figure size
set directory to data-folder to read in the edf.files
Important! Don’t use derivatives data (bipolar electrodes)
read in first subject
check the raw data information:
look at the raw channel names/types (important –> exclude reference channels A1, A2)
check data by plotting (timeplot)
set notch filter at 60 Hz
set a more precize filter (low-frequency, high-frequency, method, phase, fir-window, fir-design)
Hamming Window Design and frequency range from 0.1 - 40.0 Hz
plot again with filter
create 10-20 standard montage
plot topomap
setting up the ICA
ideal number of components here 8
create a copy of the raw data in order to apply a filter (low frequency at 1.0 Hz)
plotting the components
Step 2: Data Analysis in MNE
creating fixed epochs
duration of 2 seconds
resample of 500.0
create Topomap for all subjects with all bands (Delta 0-4Hz; Theta 4-8Hz; Alpha 8-12Hz; Beta 12-30Hz; Gamma 30-45Hz)
Find out vmax and vmin for each frequency band and class (adults >7 years or children <7 years)
Create new topomaps with vmax/vmin
exclude subject 4, 15 and 18 because of Problems with the channel Cz2
create for loop for all subjects
import again all important modules
define the path to the dataset
path + add on (to sub-01-eeg data)
put in the path of all 27 subjects
create 10-20 montage
split the files in order to only get the name of the subjects
read the raw data
drop the “reference channels” A1 and A2 and define “average” as the new reference
apply notch and raw filter
apply the montage
create fixed epochs
create all figures (topomaps)
save them with fig.savefig (path)
Topomap outcomes for vmax and vmin: Adults: Delta 0.7-0.9; Theta 0.0-0.2; Alpha/Beta/Gamma 0.0-0.1 and Children: Delta 0.5-0.9; Theta 0.0-0.2; Alpha/Beta/Gamma 0.0-0.1
Comparing the oscillation patterns of the two groups (Children and Adults)