Data analysis


This part of the project only shows the different commands that we used in order to analyze the dataset. The next part displays the detailed code.

Step 1: Preprocessing in MNE

  • import modules

    • os

    • numpy

    • mne

    • matplotlib.pyplot

    • define figure size

  • set directory to data-folder to read in the edf.files

    • Important! Don’t use derivatives data (bipolar electrodes)

  • read in first subject

  • check the raw data information:

    • look at the raw channel names/types (important –> exclude reference channels A1, A2)

    • check data by plotting (timeplot)

    • set notch filter at 60 Hz

    • set a more precize filter (low-frequency, high-frequency, method, phase, fir-window, fir-design)

    • Hamming Window Design and frequency range from 0.1 - 40.0 Hz

    • plot again with filter

  • create 10-20 standard montage

    • plot topomap

  • setting up the ICA

    • ideal number of components here 8

    • create a copy of the raw data in order to apply a filter (low frequency at 1.0 Hz)

    • plotting the components

Step 2: Data Analysis in MNE

  • creating fixed epochs

    • duration of 2 seconds

    • resample of 500.0

  • create Topomap for all subjects with all bands (Delta 0-4Hz; Theta 4-8Hz; Alpha 8-12Hz; Beta 12-30Hz; Gamma 30-45Hz)

    • Find out vmax and vmin for each frequency band and class (adults >7 years or children <7 years)

    • Create new topomaps with vmax/vmin

    • exclude subject 4, 15 and 18 because of Problems with the channel Cz2

  • create for loop for all subjects

    • import again all important modules

    • define the path to the dataset

    • path + add on (to sub-01-eeg data)

    • put in the path of all 27 subjects

    • create 10-20 montage

    • split the files in order to only get the name of the subjects

    • read the raw data

    • drop the “reference channels” A1 and A2 and define “average” as the new reference

    • apply notch and raw filter

    • apply the montage

    • create fixed epochs

    • create all figures (topomaps)

    • save them with fig.savefig (path)


  • Topomap outcomes for vmax and vmin: Adults: Delta 0.7-0.9; Theta 0.0-0.2; Alpha/Beta/Gamma 0.0-0.1 and Children: Delta 0.5-0.9; Theta 0.0-0.2; Alpha/Beta/Gamma 0.0-0.1

  • Comparing the oscillation patterns of the two groups (Children and Adults)